VINCI Construction UK implements COINS iPortal

VINCI-Construction-UK-implements-COINS-iPortal-300x225 VINCI Construction UK Ltd has gone live with COINS iPortal to facilitate the prequalification and approval of their subcontractors, using the Construction Industry Solution (COINS) integration to Constructionline. The solution will greatly improve supply chain efficiencies by eliminating unnecessary repetition of PQQ input.

VINCI Construction UK was looking at better ways to manage its supply chain, particularly in relation to PQQs and approvals, the completion of which were costing in the region of 22,000 man-hours per annum.

Neil Mant, National Supply Chain Manager for VINCI Construction said: “The fact that COINS iPortal integrates with Constructionline was key to our decision to implement the solution. Constructionline is Government endorsed and PAS91 compliant, which was also important in meeting our internal requirements.”

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COINS iPortal is a multi-contractor, multi-vendor cloud service for supply chain collaboration involving major processes such as pre-qualification, data collection, vendor vetting and approval; performance measurement and 360° relationship assessment; and tender communications. iPortal vendors can be subcontractors, consultants and/or material suppliers – VINCI are initially focused on subcontractors.

The data available via the iPortal will allow VINCI Construction UK to introduce more efficient ways to select, monitor and measure its supply chain, providing a completely transparent way of working that is in line with VINCI’s commitment to treating suppliers in a more ethical way. As well as providing a PQQ selection and approval process, the database of approved supply chain subcontractors, categorised by trade and area, provides data on orders raised and their associated performance assessments and the cloud access enables subcontractors to view and comment on the assessment scores.

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Neil adds: “COINS iPortal delivers huge efficiency savings not only to our business but also to our supply chain members. It provides us with a fantastic hub for all information relating to our supply chain and enables usto select in a more educated way.”

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