Using construction software to manage multiple sites

Using construction software to manage multiple sitesThe needs of every construction company are different, and can depend on the size of the business as well as the number and types of clients they service. For this reason, Integrity Software offers a variety of construction management software packages to suit construction businesses of all sizes…

Larger construction companies will need a construction accounting software solution that can support them in the management and organisation of a number of subcontractors, sites and subdivisions, so Integrity Software has created a package designed to do just that. Here’s what a multi-site firm should look for in construction accounting and management software.

Consolidate business intelligence information:
Your business intelligence is based on real-time information from multiple sites. To enable clear direction of your business you need clear, concise, easily accessible reports that make sense to the person reading them. Whether it is; contract costing for materials, plant and labour, contract value, variation orders,health and safety information such as number of incidence free days, or a combination of these clearly presented. Integrity Software enables management teams to consolidate business information across all sites and create useful reports that can be used for improved job costing and to help expand the business.

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Handle significant user volumes:
Sharing information between project teams, and Head office involves interaction by various business functions. Whether large or small, Our Evolution packages are designed to handle robust user volumes, so you needn’t worry about them crashing under the strain.

Thorough financial management:
Whether paying material or plant suppliers, sub-contractors, invoicing your clients while simultaneously updating business ledger information, Integrity Software allows you to manage all of your accounts simultaneously, using one program. Having everything, including project documents in one location while being accessible across your project portfolio makes sense and makes it easier to control your business processes. As a result there will be minimal confusion, the accounting process is quick and easy, and your financial management tasks will be consolidated into one approachable task.

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Control all sites from one location:
See the wood for the trees. Using Integrity Software, access real-time project information from a web browser, at the click of a button. See what instructions or variation orders have been processed on an hourly basis. Regardless of the number projects you manage or what level of oversight you have in the company you can access information pertinent to your needs so you are not swamped with information you don’t need to see. Get an overview of the real-time project position before speaking to the team on the ground.

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