Unique software launched to help SME builders realise BIM potential

A revolutionary new subscription software platform for the residential building sector has been launched.

The software has been developed by Integro Construction Software, part of the HBXL Group, and has been seven years in development in conjunction with the University of West of England, Technology Strategy Board, and Innovate UK.

Called ‘BuildingWorks’ the software has been hailed a game changer for SME construction companies, developers, surveyors and architects. It’s the first integrated platform of its kind, seamlessly bringing together CAD, estimating, project management and more, with one set of data flowing through the whole project from concept to completion. No more importing and exporting, double entry and inevitable errors. The company believes it marks the end of the current fragmented approach to construction.

This joined up thinking means that as the building plan is either being drawn or measured, it calls on a library of over 15,000 data-rich BIM products and nearly 5000 rates to generate ‘live’ costs for materials, labour, rates and energy performance – plus a 3D model.

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Users can review the design in real-time, swapping products in and out of the project to compare how they impact on budget or U-value.

From their 2D planning and Building Regulation drawings, subscribers of the design and estimate modules will automatically (and instantly!) receive a client quote, full cost breakdown, NRM, Bill of Quantities, Gantt chart, management reports and schedules.

Billed as a ‘better way of working’ users can benefit from the practical aspects of BIM built into the software; a more disciplined way of working, the sharing of information and in turn, improved productivity and profitability.

Joanna Mulgrew Operations Director at Integro said: “BIM is suitable for all size of projects. It is not defined by the number of people on a project team, nor is the size of the project’s budget or square meterage a determining factor for ‘doing BIM.’

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“It’s about a work process; a coordinated, effective, holistic approach to getting a project completed.”

Jo hopes BuildingWorks will help boost the SME construction sector, enabling businesses to tackle the national housing shortage, and compete for contracts arising from Government projects requiring BIM.

She added: “BuildingWorks will help builders fulfil their potential. It’s the way the industry is going and no matter how big or small your business, not changing to this way of working will mean getting left behind.”

BuildingWorks is currently available from £24 per user per month per module based on a 24-month pre-payment subscription. Health & Safety and Project Management will be released later in 2018, followed by Contracts and Energy Performance (including SAP).


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