UKD Ltd benefit from integrated construction accounts system

Atkins expands useIntegrity Software has announced that UKD Groundworks & Civil Engineering Ltd have upgraded to a construction specific accounts system, which will improve efficiency of working with subcontractors, accuracy of contract costing and control of managing their plant assets.

UKD have been using their existing system for a number of years which included a number of bolt-on modules such as a CIS module for managing subcontractors. As the business has grown in that time and the volume of transactions being put through the system has increased, UKD’s Company Secretary Emma Carter and Managing Director Mark Bosher have noticed some inefficiencies develop which they now wish to address by upgrading to a fully integrated system ahead of further future growth.

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With Evolution M from Integrity Software, UKD will benefit from a modern, user friendly accounts system which will make the process of verifying, managing and paying subcontractors more straightforward. The systems’ job costing capabilities and integration with Microsoft Office products will also substantially improve Emma and Mark’s ability to monitor contract costs and more efficiently generate useful management reporting information.

UKD also wanted an improved buying and plant hire system. Evolution M provides the tools required to manage plant items effectively by providing visibility of costs and utilisation of all plant whether owned or hired in. These costs are then allocated to the relevant contract in Evolution M so businesses can see exactly what Plant Assets are costing the business.

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