Time to embrace the “intelligent cloud”, Microsoft tells NAV and AX customers

Time to embrace the intelligent cloudMICROSOFT NAV and AX companies have been urged to embrace the cloud to enhance productivity and take advantage of new technologies at a partner conference showcasing Microsoft Dynamics AX and NAV ERP solutions.

The one-day event hosted by Microsoft partner K3 Business Solutions (K3BS) featured a sneak preview into the Office 2016 and Office 365 with particular focus on enhanced security features for sharing data in the cloud.

Inspiration for the day came from award-winning entrepreneur Hilary Devey CBE, founder, Chief Executive and Chairman of The Pall-Ex Group. The former Dragon of Dragon’s Den fame spoke passionately about the role of women in business and talked of the effects the refugee crisis was having on the logistics industry.

Stressing that businesses needed to be decisive to be a success, she also talked about how IT was “driving business” and that embracing the latest technology had become one of her businesses’ biggest areas of expenditure. But she admitted: “I’m not interested in the intricacies of IT, just whether it works and provides a solution.”

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Representatives from more than 80 companies, including customers and suppliers, attended the conference, exhibition and partner presentations in the lavish surroundings of Coombe Abbey in Warwickshire. The strong turnout was up 30% on last year’s event.

Delegates also attended track sessions to learn more about Microsoft NAV 2016 and Microsoft Dynamics AX 7, together with their integration with Windows 10 and Office apps, Power BI, CRM Online and hosted solutions on the Azure cloud.

Both Microsoft Dynamics AX 7 and Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2016 are expected to launch in October.

Sessions were held by Microsoft and K3BS sponsors and partners, whose development of and commitment towards Microsoft Dynamics is helping to create complete, robust ERP solutions for a whole range of industries.

James Akrigg, Microsoft’s Head of Technology for Partners, described the company’s aim to “reinvent” productivity and business processes through a more personal experience using an “intelligent” cloud powered by predictive analytics and other advanced data technologies.

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He said: “Younger generations coming into business expect to have access to the best tools and smarter ways of working. It’s up to businesses now to embrace this technology.”


Gary Vincent, Managing Director of K3BS, said: “We have continued to experience valuable business growth during the last 12 months, securing many new customers. This was so visible during our event with so many new faces and attendance levels up by 30% on last year. It’s through events like this that we will continue to consult, educate and add value to our customers and build long term business relationships with them.

“We’ve heard some really strong messages coming out of the presentations. We’re delighted our customers have had the opportunity to hear these first-hand from the likes of Microsoft and Hilary Devey. The future is exciting with truly transformational technologies upon us and we are committed to delivering such technologies in line with our customer’s ongoing requirements.”

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