RedSky’s Xcipio web modules benefit asbestos removal industry

the lessons of earlyThe asbestos removal industry is one of the most regulated in the UK, RedSky IT has already installed its Xcipio Document suite in an asbestos removal contractor and felt that the software modules could be beneficial to similar companies. As a result they have joined the Asbestos Removal Contractors Association to promote their solution.

The word Xcipio is from the Latin “excipere”….[verb]  I take out, I receive, I capture….…….I understand ….(in the sense of taking in or receiving knowledge/meaning).  Xcipio Comprises a range of modules that allow a company to monitor and control all their paper sources and convert them into electronic documents and  collate them and provide audit trails to ensure that they can comply with all Health and Safety issues.

Xcipio consists of:

Document Management:
The system stores all documents that a company generates and makes them available under strict security and allowing version controls as well.

Document Workflow & Approvals:
Any documents that require this process, can have workflows applied allowing managers and staff to be notified of situations that may need escalating.

Forms Control, on line & off line:
The forms system allows conversion of previously paper based documents to eforms and then update the system on line or off line if no network is available then the file will be stored until a signal is found.

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Email Archive:
This captures and organises emails by project keeping a complete and accurate record of conversations about a project, this also preserves the records should a PC or laptop be stolen.

Contract / Project / Organisation Contacts:
The system maintains a full record of all contacts also allowing emails to be sent to a pre created group of people with attachments or a URL link to a drop box for later downloading.

Dashboards and Business Analytics:
These provide the ability to graphically represent information for easy understanding.

Customised Apps:
Customised functions to match a company’s specific requirements.

Project Minutes and Project Issues capture:
These are options to allow control of site meetings snagging or issues.

Mobile data capture and enquiries:
All systems use the latest web technology therefore most devices with web browser can be used to gain access to the system.

The Forms function in particular gives complete control of previously paper based documents that can get lost, destroyed or misplaced.

The system allows a company to upload a word document and their own validation fields e.g. dates, check fields, lists and a range of other functions. These can then be stored as online or offline forms which can then be created by users, such as risks assessments, health and safety documents or any other site return, if using the offline forms option they have the ability to store the form until the device has internet coverage and it will then update the central system automatically. Optionally these forms can also have workflow linked to them so that appropriate managers can be involved in approvals or simply to escalate information to the relevant managers. As the system also captures emails a stolen or damaged laptop will not impact the business as all the important information is stored centrally.

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These modules help capture data which can be used to manage all document control needs. These modules have been designed to operate over any existing financial system, however, when used alongside the Summit suite of Financial & Operations modules, the true integration of transactional and non-structured data will give any construction business a powerful tool to help manage and control every aspect of their contracts.

Imagine a dashboard that provides the financial status of a job, and all email and documents associated to that contract, on one screen with drill down to detail on any line item. Contract managers truly have all the information they need to manage a job rather than waste valuable time searching for it.

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