Prepare for the pitfalls of e-commerce as well as the benefits say IT security providers

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For business start-ups, e-commerce is one of the most lucrative and easy to access sectors, but entrepreneurs should be preparing themselves against the pitfalls of online services, says IT security experts Altinet.

Last year, Britain hit record numbers for start-ups, with more than 600,000 businesses launching during 2015. Initiatives such the StartUp Britain campaign encouraged more individuals to branch out on their own than ever before. But too many SMEs are not investing in effective security, which could leave them exposed to external threats and compromise their future.

Expert recommendations including effective Firewall instillation and secure Wi-Fi networks are the first steps small business can take to protect important data. Altinet are members of the UK Cyber Exchange and chair the Leeds Cyber Security Cluster, which are regular free of charge meetings that encourage organisations to learn more about improving their IT security.

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Daniel Bailey, Director of Altinet said: “Many new business owners will be aware of how they can utilise the internet to maximise their profits, but they won’t have considered what the consequences of a breach might be. You only have to look at some of the more recent breaches of big name companies in the headlines to see how seriously customers take this sort of slip up. An established company might be able to take a hit like this and recover, but for smaller businesses it would be fatal.”

Altinet also recommends putting a password system in place that ensures employees are using strong combinations that are changed at least every six months. Backing up data on a cloud storage system also means that vital information won’t be lost in the event of hardware theft or damage, and individual access can be controlled more effectively.

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The friendly, knowledgeable and experienced team at Altinet helps organisations both big and small overcome the challenges faced by businesses in the modern world. By providing tailored solutions for storage, networking and security and advice from approachable accredited IT specialists, Altinet have earnt a reputation as the UK’s first choice for bespoke IT infrastructures.

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