Overworking staff can lead to mental health issues, say IQTimecard

Overworking staff can lead to mental health issues, say IQTimecardA certain level of stress is unavoidable at work with hard-to-please clients, tight deadlines and challenging projects adding pressure to the working day, often causing many employees to work well beyond their contracted hours. However, management should take steps to ensure that these levels of stress and additional overtime is controlled to safeguard the mental health of their workforce, warns IQTimecard.

Allowing staff to frequently work well beyond their allocated hours or adding extra pressure to perform perfectly can harbour levels of stress which can lead to mental health concerns such as depression and anxiety, however the demands of the modern workplace seems to create this difficult environment. In 2013, the CIPD reported that 39% of employees surveyed felt that they were under excessive pressure at least once or twice a week, and the recent Labour Force Survey also showed that stress caused almost half of all working days lost due to illness. Taking care of the welfare of staff ensures a happy and healthy workforce, as well as a productive and efficient one. A transparent and accurate overview of the actual working hours completed by employees can be gathered when using the time and attendance software solution from IQTimecard, allowing management to identity those that are working for longer than expected, and potentially experiencing damaging levels of stress.

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David Lynes, Director of IQTimecard said: “In the working world there are certain occasions when an employee must work extra hours or experience extra pressure, and this is unavoidable but when this kind of stress is happening on a regular basis it can be detrimental to staff, leading to mental health problems.”

Lynes continued: “As a manager it is important to be aware of your team and how they are performing. If you are responsible for a large or remote workforce then this is very challenging. Adopting a web-based time and attendance software solution, such as ours at IQTimecard, can help you to see clearly when each member of staff is meant to be working, as well as those that are continuing to work long after their shift is over. Using this information it is possible to take action and safeguard the mental wellbeing of this member of staff.”

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IQTimecard offers its time and attendance solution in a call monitoring or app based format. Whichever option is chosen, the intelligent software can log the arrival and departure data of each member of staff in real time, which can then be viewed by management immediately in a web based dashboard.

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