IT systems: helping of hindering?

Eque2 hinder or helpConstruction companies are picking up speed again, but are your IT systems helping or hindering?

The effects of the global financial crisis of 2008 are still being felt, with the first real signs of recovery only becoming visible now – seven years later. Construction companies were affected particularly badly, forcing many firms to radically alter their operations just to survive.

Eque2, a leading provider to the construction and software industry, believe that now there are signs of progression on the horizon, your companies IT systems need to be supporting your company’s growth.

Taking on a new construction project can force your company to grow in size, almost overnight. As work begins on site, your workforce could increase by almost ten times, placing a large strain on your existing IT systems. Without a truly scalable construction software platform in place, construction companies may find that they are unable to deliver the information their employees need. This could result in costly delays and project overruns.

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Wes Simmons, Managing Director of Eque2, says: “Construction company processes were very different ten years ago, yet many firms still rely on legacy systems to underpin their operations. Many of our new customers have moved from their aging software packages to our scalable software solutions.”

Operational pressures will have already forced construction companies to adjust their processes – and they will undoubtedly change again in the near future. Can your legacy system be easily customised to support these changes? The adoption of a fully-configurable construction software platform that supports process changes will be far more cost effective in the long term. The software will then support and drive improvements and efficiencies, helping your business achieve more.

As your business has grown, new demands will have needed individual solutions. This often leads to a patchwork IT systems, with a collection of applications being used by different business units. Important data is spread across these platforms making it virtually impossible to obtain an instant understanding of any project. Determining which version of the information is the “truth” is harder still.

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The answer is to consolidate these disparate systems into a single platform, thereby ensuring you only ever have one version of the truth. In doing so, making decisions based upon a better understanding of likely project outcomes easier and more accurate. Construction companies looking for a strategic advantage through IT need to select software that:

– Is scalable enough to support massive peaks in demand.
– Can be configured to closely match your internal business processes.
– Flexes with changing demands and strategies.
– Replaces existing disparate systems to deliver one version of the truth.

At Eque2, we provide solutions that are tailored to the construction and contracting industry and we can help support your company’s growth with our highly configurable, reliable and scalable software solutions.

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