Essex Safety Glass ensure efficiency with Access during growth

MESL-Microwave-300x225Essex Safety Glass Ltd has recently reviewed processes within the finance department that the firm can improve during growth. The organisation has targeted and upgraded their finance processes so they can become more efficient and profitable in the process. As a result, the firm has invested in Access Dimensions for greater control and visibility.

Les Henderson, financial controller of Essex Safety Glass Ltd evaluated current practices for the firms finance and software processes and recognised that during a period of strong organic growth, the organisation needed to streamline their cash-flow to ensure that this period wasn’t stifling the firm’s potential. Les explains: “Our current financial software is struggling to cope with the company’s strong organic growth.”

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He continues: “We knew that upon implementing a new system it had to be user friendly that can easily be adopted by our users, we needed a solution that streamlined the way the organisation works that will deliver efficiency through the finance department. With Access we’re now looking at enhanced reporting for our business.”

By allowing the finance department to have more control over information, and detail – they can drill down on areas that stick out and become much more cost conscious in the process.

Les comments: “I was impressed by the slickness of the user-interface together with the enhanced functionality over our current system. I expect Access to provide significant efficiency savings in the operation of our finance department through greater control and visibility of our finances.”

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Ian Roper, supply chain solutions divisional director for Access comments: “We’re seeing more and more firms take to smarter investments within this economic window of opportunity. Businesses are seizing this chance to fortify their efficiencies and ROI through integrated management software. An area that will see double the investments into tech during 2014.”

Les concludes: “What we liked most about Access was their professional consultative approach during the sales process. We’re further looking forward to a long-lasting business relationship with Access.”

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