Switch from manual to automated processes and get your time back

Switch from manual to automated processes and get your time back

IS YOUR FINANCE TEAM SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON MANUAL PROCESSES? Could automation give you more time? Ideally, as the CFO or financial manager, your finance team has a strategic role, supporting you, the CEO and the leadership teams to make critical business decisions...
5 Reasons You Need An ERP

5 Reasons You Need An ERP

At Cedar Bay we have helped so many of our customers, from a variety of industries, implement and optimise their ERP solutions. We have partnered with these businesses to help them utilise ERP to further improve their operations and achieve their business objectives....
How to bridge the sales and marketing alignment gap

How to bridge the sales and marketing alignment gap

Why should alignment with sales be top of the agenda for marketing professionals? Well, there’s a proven economic advantage to be had by businesses if teams work effectively together. Research has found it can lead to 24% faster three-year revenue growth...
Industry-specific ERP is not enough

Industry-specific ERP is not enough

There has been an ongoing debate for many years now about the best type of ERP solution for your business. Many years ago it concentrated on the difference between comprehensive systems vs best of breed solutions. Here the idea of a solution that has best practice in...

Five practical use cases for IoT in industry

The possibilities for implementing Internet of Things (IoT) are only limited by our imagination To serve as inspiration, Cougar Automation’s IoT experts have rounded up some of the most common industrial use cases today, as well as those we are likely to see more of...