Advanced launches one stop shop software for housing management

homeautomation-300x225Advanced Business Solutions (Advanced) is launching The Advanced Business Suite for Housing, a new housing software suite which integrates CRM with a wide selection of back office solutions.

The new suite includes a resident and property management solution built on the Microsoft Dynamics CRM platform, powered by Goldcrest Solutions (Goldcrest), a leading provider of software to the social housing sector and recently acquired by Advanced.

The CRM platform stores all interactions with a resident, including payments, repairs and letters sent and received, against their record. It is already being used by many social housing providers such as Radian Group, which manages 21,000 properties in the South of England, and implemented the solution earlier this year. The solution is being used to resolve 80% of customer enquiries at first point of contact, provide a single and accurate view of its 42,000 customers and streamline case management.

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Also included in the Advanced Business Suite for Housing are rent accounting, asset management, HR and payroll, and procurement solutions. The integrated package provides private and social housing landlords with a single place to access all these systems to increase the efficiency of property and tenant management, and improve visibility of data.

Simon Fowler, Managing Director, Advanced Business Solutions (Commercial Division), says: “Housing providers gather and manage significant volumes of information about their properties and tenants. If all this data is stored in separate systems that don’t talk to each other it can make daily tasks time consuming and frustrating.

“By bringing all these systems together into one place, landlords can not only capture more comprehensive information about their customers but also access it quickly and easily. This allows them to offer a more informed, responsive service with minimal effort.”

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