Advanced launches OpenMobile Expenses app for smartphones and tablets

Introducing mobile managerAdvanced Business Solutions (Advanced), a market leading provider of business applications and services, has announced the launch of its OpenMobile Expenses application. The app has been developed in response to customer demand for a solution that enables staff to submit expense claims via their smartphones or tablets when working remotely.

OpenMobile Expenses has been developed to simplify every aspect of expenses management and reduce processing time between the submission of a claim and its approval. Users are also able to submit photographs of receipts to evidence their expense claims, eliminating the time and costs involved in paper-based administration and reporting.

By using OpenMobile Expenses, organisations will benefit from the automatic transfer of information between the app and their Advanced OpenAccounts finance system. Expense claims are imported from OpenMobile Expenses into Advanced’s workflow solution, eBIS, from where they are automatically routed to departmental managers for authorisation. Once an expense claim has been approved, the amount is automatically posted to OpenAccounts. This eliminates the need for manual data input by members of the finance team, freeing them up to focus on more strategic projects.

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Simon Fowler, Managing Director, Advanced Business Solutions (Commercial Division), comments: “OpenMobile Expenses is a highly innovative app which will enable users to collate and submit their expenses in a fraction of the time it takes when done manually. The need for employees to gather receipts, fill in spreadsheets, staple everything together and submit their expense reports to finance teams will become a thing of the past.”

OpenMobile Expenses is integrated with an online mileage application which calculates the distance between travel points. This ensures the complete accuracy of mileage and fuel claims before they are submitted, eliminating the need for expense administrators to check mileage claims.

“OpenMobile Expenses will eliminate inaccurate mileage information and spreadsheet rounding errors, saving organisations money. Even small discrepancies can add up to significant sums over the course of a financial year and OpenMobile Expenses will ensure that these are no longer an issue,” says Fowler.

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The app can also be pre-set with mandatory fields in order to capture key information, such as dates, the reasons for the expense claim and the amount. Expenses are then categorised via a simple drop down menu ensuring the accuracy of information submitted by users.

All expenses are automatically checked to ensure adherence to company policies – such as maximum cost per meal- and those that contravene rules are automatically flagged for review.

OpenMobile Expenses has been initially developed for the IOS and Android platforms and includes an intuitive user interface that is simple for users to navigate without training or manuals.

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