Tech firm sets sector example in recruiting diverse workforce

A tech firm with offices in Chester and Manchester is leading by example as it announces its most recent recruits in a sector where women are still underrepresented

WM Reply, which helps large companies and organisations implement and make the most of collaboration tools and business solutions, is announcing its latest recruitment and staffing figures in the hope it will encourage more tech companies to push for parity in terms of gender representation.

Taking a proactive approach

The firm, which specialises in using Microsoft software to improve business processes and boost efficiency and productivity, has long been committed to improving gender diversity in the workplace. Through a combination of a creative recruitment strategy and a proactive approach, the collaboration experts are able to boast a level of female representation over double the UK-wide average of 18-19 per cent.

Baxter Willis, a Partner at WM Reply, said: “Gender bias continues to be an issue and one which has contributed to fewer women than men entering the tech sector.

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“By recruiting people as early on as possible in their career, focusing on ability and investing in learning and development for individuals, we’re able to attract and retain diverse talent, something our latest recruitment drive demonstrates perfectly.”

More women in the tech sector

The growing company, which has three UK offices (London, Chester, Manchester) and one in Minsk, is announcing six new hires, four of which are female, taking up roles in Business Analysis, Consultancy and front-end development. Their addition to the team adds to their impressive level of female representation, which currently sits at around 40%.

Olivia Lynch, one of the new recruits who will be working in the company’s Chester office, said: “WM Reply’s high level of female representation within the company was one of big the reasons I wanted to join. It’s just great to see so many women in the office!”

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