Rapid 5D demonstrates real benefits of collaborative BIM at Manchester Victoria

Rapid 5dRapid5D were appointed by Morgan Sindall to implement and deploy Vico Office and establish the BIM Execution Plan on Manchester Victoria Station.  They would like to thank all parties, including designers and subcontractors for their support during the project.

Rapid5D developed the BIM Execution Plan working with the principal contractor, design team and, where appropriate, Network Rail. In collaboration with the design team and where necessary,  Rapid 5D undertook additional modelling of the 2D documentation to support, validate and coordinate the design. For example, to enhance the BIM model Rapid 5D modelled the 2D reinforcement drawings in Tekla to identify the complexity of the reinforcement in the roof buttresses.

Another requirement was that the models were moved so that they occupied the same location. Federation of the numerous models created one platform, which meant that all parties could share and work from one version of the truth.

Working with Morgan Sindall, Rapid 5D established model-based cost data structures and populated these with model and non-model-based quantities. Once completed the existing Morgan Sindall Primavera schedule was migrated and converted into a location based schedule linked to the model through the 5D estimate and take-off where possible, enabling the Morgan Sindall team to better understand their risks. Finally, supporting the planners producing the 4D simulation showing the proposed construction sequence.

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Part of the core objective then became about the cohesive use of 3D federated models, an integrated approach to 4D planning and simulation plus the incorporation of a 5D cost process. Ultimately providing a better understanding and insight of what could be achieved using BIM.

Steve Brunning, Managing Director of Rapid5D said: “On this project, due to its complexity, the only way to check that the design was appropriately coordinated was to use 3D models. This complexity also gave issues in generating quantities using traditional methods, due to the geometry of the roof. Whilst quantities could still be calculated traditionally, this proved to be a very time consuming process. The ability to use the model to directly calculate accurate quantities in significantly less time and then also linking these to the project schedule offered efficiency savings.”

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With the planning and commercial team having a better under understanding of the project, the BIM model has been extremely successful on this project so far and will ultimately be handed over to Network Rail with all the building information attached, as part of the health and safety file. Rapid5D in particular trained people on site on how to use the model and showed the benefits it achieves. This knowledge transfer has now developed into them working with Morgan Sindall engineers to use the model to set out works and for more future construction sites. The model allowed everyone from the design team to the contractor to the client to feel collaborated and confident in the project they are working on.

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