Outsourcing to become vital digital strategy as SMEs face digital skills gap

cheltenham-festival-puts-pegasusSmall and medium sized businesses that are attempting to adopt and incorporate digital technology face a skills shortage, hampering their growth and slowing the speed of their future development. But, SMEs can still take advantage of digital opportunities by outsourcing their digital needs to professionals and businesses with experience and knowledge of the digital sector, say experts Dorset Creative.

According to a Gartner Inc survey’s chief information officers, the biggest barrier to achieving digital objectives was identified as an IT skills gap. Respondents highlighted a lack of talent operating in data analytics, resulting in high competition and the individuals with the desired skill set being expensive to hire. With small budget constraints, this presents a significant challenge for SMEs – but outsourcing is a solution.

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Nathan Revill of Dorset Creative, said: “Digital adoption and adaptation isn’t something that just the large companies need to consider. Even customers of small businesses now expect digital services and without it, these businesses can lose vital sales and create damage to their revenue streams. A company’s digital presence is available 24/7 and opens the door to many more opportunities.”

Nathan added: “The skills gap presents SMEs with a problem, but by choosing to outsource, small businesses can access all the talent and skills they require without the need to make a costly hire or a long-term commitment. It’s understandable that some businesses are wary of working with outside organisations but if they pick the right one, their company benefits by being able to fully implement their digital strategy at an expert standard.”

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Dorset Creative is experienced in developing constructive working relationships with a range of businesses in both the public and private sector, to support and drive their digital transformation. Through its range of bespoke offerings, the tech savvy firm has helped countless businesses increase opportunities, heighten productivity and reflect their reputation and values with their digital presence by creating an effective, flexible and evolving digital environment. uk/

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