Four major signs that you need to change IT providers

“Being in lockdown has given me time to reflect on some of those meetings I’ve had and one thing that often repeats is a fear of change”

From this observation, Pure IT’s Steve Macklin offers this advice…

One of the things I enjoy most about being business owner, is going to meet other business owners.

I’m sure you’ve heard the old saying, better the devil you know, than the devil you don’t. Let’s face it, it’s human nature to try and avoid change to some extent.

I think it’s time I dispelled the myth that some IT providers may use to keep you tied to them, when they’re clearly no longer meeting your needs.

Simple request

You’ll ask for something like a simple change request, and you’re met with sighs, muttering, a real feeling that it’s too much to ask.

It’s as if you’ve requested a cure for COVID.

So what do they do? They’ll make excuses. They’ll tell you that no-one will understand and support your systems like they do.

But that’s a myth. That’s all it is.


IT support shouldn’t be that way. Here at Pure IT, we’ve made it our mission to make the switch to us as pain-free & simple as possible.

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So, here are the 4 biggest red flags that mean you need to change IT providers:

1) Contacting them is hard work

Getting hold of your IT provider should be mega easy – dial their phone number or email support.

If you have to keep ringing to find out the status of a ticket, or you’re constantly chasing them because they just don’t get back to you, it’s time to change providers.

After all, IT providers are meant to reduce the hassle of technical issues.

2) They make small requests seem like huge jobs

Imagine that you’ve contacted your IT team to ask for an additional email address, something that’s a relatively easy task in almost any hosted or on-premises email setup.

Now imagine that your IT team have come back to you to say it’s going to be a fully billable 3 hours of work.

Knowing it takes nowhere near 3 hours, would you really want to stay on with that provider?

3) They don’t offer backup solutions

Backups are not only a life-saver, but they’re also a necessity for any business in the 21st century.

If you got a virus, your server died, or if files were accidentally deleted, there’s no way of getting back those files without a backup solution.

It’s a no-brainer. No backup? Jump ship to a provider with backup solutions.

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4) You’ve outgrown your IT provider

Sometimes you can have a helpful, lovely IT provider thats served you well for years upon years. But then something changes.

You’ve grown. They haven’t.

Now your business’s needs are much larger than they used to be, and you provider can’t keep up with your requests, are missing SLAs, and generally don’t have enough manpower to keep your infrastructure afloat.

It’s time to say good-bye, farewell & good-luck to that provider, and join another IT team that meets your business’s requirements to the letter.

Get in touch today to find out more on how smooth our onboarding is, and why you should join us.

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