CIAT supports interim Building a Safer Future report

CIAT welcomes and supports the interim report of Dame Judith Hackitt’s independent Review of Building Regulations and Fire Safety and looks forward to contributing to the next phase.

In response to the interim findings, Alex Naraian PCIAT, President of CIAT, said: ‘At our recent CIAT Grenfell inquiry forum, a keynote presentation was given by Dr Graham Smith MCIAT who I quote here: ‘The Grenfell tragedy sits at the top of the societal tree, where we can expect prosecutions, legislative changes, new methods of working, improved accreditation thresholds for a variety of roles and more audit and interrogation of design, construction and operational processes. For members from students right through to the most experienced, Grenfell will reshape our industry and your voice needs to be heard.’

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Alex continues: ‘This statement is in harmony with Dame Judith Hackitt’s Review findings and challenges our industry to make significant changes in its culture, behaviour and attitudes linked to quality, standards and health and safety. The lifespan characteristics and performance of buildings are critical to ensure that solutions are robust, durable and adaptable. These factors contribute to the needs and inclusivity requirements of users and their health and life safety throughout the buildings life.’

The CIAT Grenfell inquiry forum emphasised the ongoing obligation for CIAT, as a Chartered body, to be a lead profession within the built environment continuing our work with the DCLG, Construction Industry Council and the Scottish Government Review of fire safety regulations. Architectural Technology professionals have the opportunity to make a major contribution to the investigations and necessary changes to policy, practice, procurement and production through design and construction and the long-term performance and use of buildings for the health and safety of the occupants.

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