Switch from manual to automated processes and get your time back

Switch from manual to automated processes and get your time back

IS YOUR FINANCE TEAM SPENDING TOO MUCH TIME ON MANUAL PROCESSES? Could automation give you more time? Ideally, as the CFO or financial manager, your finance team has a strategic role, supporting you, the CEO and the leadership teams to make critical business decisions...
Be part of the next industrial revolution

Be part of the next industrial revolution

Enterprise resource planning, or ERP, is transforming the way we do business. It’s the processes housed in one system that organisations use to manage and integrate different parts of their operations. This innovative software is helping businesses move into and embed...
How to bridge the sales and marketing alignment gap

How to bridge the sales and marketing alignment gap

Why should alignment with sales be top of the agenda for marketing professionals? Well, there’s a proven economic advantage to be had by businesses if teams work effectively together. Research has found it can lead to 24% faster three-year revenue growth...
How to safeguard your business from black swan events

How to safeguard your business from black swan events

Is your business prepared for the next black swan event? Barry Kukkuk, Co-founder at Netstock, provides four tips on handling supply chain disruptions. For the last three years, businesses globally have been plagued by black swan events – these are events that no one...
4 Keys to a Successful Implementation

4 Keys to a Successful Implementation

Like many big changes, the implementation of a new retail solution requires careful consideration and thoughtful execution. When done successfully, a smooth implementation helps employees learn new technology while streamlining operations and enhancing the customer...
10 Signs Your Manufacturing Business Needs A Modern ERP System

10 Signs Your Manufacturing Business Needs A Modern ERP System

This article has been provided by RamBase. Business owners and departmental heads of manufacturing companies may notice “chinks in their armour” regarding business process efficiency. Examples include not entirely trusting inventory levels, potentially...