Has your business taken digital transformation too far?

Has your business taken digital transformation too far?

The notion of digital transformation has elevated from buzzword to business imperative since the pandemic. In 2022, the need to accelerate digital transformation and build greater agility into the business remains top of the agenda: according to the latest Workbooks...
How to bridge the sales and marketing alignment gap

How to bridge the sales and marketing alignment gap

Why should alignment with sales be top of the agenda for marketing professionals? Well, there’s a proven economic advantage to be had by businesses if teams work effectively together. Research has found it can lead to 24% faster three-year revenue growth...
CRM Trends

CRM Trends

This article has been provided by Workbooks Recreating ‘Water Cooler Moments’ with CRM SMEs have had to clear many hurdles over the past two years, culminating in a very different commercial landscape – and customer pathway – to those that preceded the pandemic. With...
How integrating CRM and ERP can increase revenue and profitability

How integrating CRM and ERP can increase revenue and profitability

How can enterprises increase revenue and profitability? It’s well known that many ERP projects fail. According to research firm Gartner, as many as 75 per cent of such undertakings fail to deliver the expected result. And yet, despite the problems, many manufacturers...
6 Reasons to Integrate CRM & ERP

6 Reasons to Integrate CRM & ERP

Many organisations think that if they have an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) system they don’t need a CRM platform. In fact they are two quite distinct systems, serving specific purposes and delivering specific outcomes… Manufacturers need both – and they need to...
The advantages of continuous investment in technology

The advantages of continuous investment in technology

 Technology is an essential part of any organisation’s success. You need to make continuous investments in technology if you want to maintain a competitive edge and stay relevant. Technology never stops, and to keep current, you need to continually review your...