Advanced launches Exchequer Credit Pursuit

New solution to streamline all aspects of business-to-business credit control process 

Leading financial and accounting software provider, Advanced Business Solutions, has announced the launch of Exchequer Credit Pursuit, a new solution which allows businesses to manage debtors and debtor information. Credit Pursuit fully integrates with Exchequer’s accounting software, enabling users to manage all credit control tasks and processes within a single solution.

Exchequer Credit Pursuit has been developed for businesses of every size and is particularly suitable for business-to-business organisations which provide credit to customers. The solution has been designed to reduce both the time it takes businesses to pursue debtors and also reduces the time it takes for credit control staff to receive late payments. This facilitates cash injection into a business and helps stablise cash-flow.

The solution includes a simple on-screen dashboard which enables users to view and access debtor information and includes functionality which helps reduce the time it takes credit controllers to chase debtors. Key features include a full chase history which details all actions taken by credit controllers and automatic prompts that ensure no required action is overlooked.

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The software also provides personalised task lists which ensure that all credit control related activities are actioned. Exchequer Credit Pursuit users can also place accounts on hold, remove them from being on hold and send internal messages and documentation to colleagues as and when required.

As users make calls they are given ‘pointers’ which ensure all of the correct information is gathered for either queries or disputes, preventing the need for further calls. Graphs can be easily viewed to see an overview of average debtor days over the past 12 months and also the average debtor days of an individual customer within the same period.

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Greg Ford, Managing Director, Exchequer comments: “Effective credit control is essential for businesses of every size and irrespective of economic climates, cash remains a businesses priority. Exchequer Credit Pursuit has been developed for these businesses to automate manual credit control processes.

“Many businesses still rely on spreadsheets to manage debtor information and this can lead to inaccuracies and data duplication. The fact that speadsheets are not integrated with accounting systems means information is often out of date. This means debtors are sent inaccurate account information which leads to queries and disputes which further extends debt management processes.

“Exchequer Credit Pursuit provides access to accurate, up to date debtor information and streamlines all credit control activities. Reduced time, effort and expense related to chasing debts can reduce the debt cycle and improve business cash-flow – something which is critical for every business,” Ford concludes.

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